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Gluten, Dairy, and Sugar Free Diet Reverses Sjogren’s and Hormone Problems

A recent study found that an elimination diet protocol was able to reverse ovarian failure and vastly improve symptoms associated with autoimmune Sjogren’s syndrome. The diet was gluten, dairy, and sugar free. The diet was for four months. The patients menstrual cycle normalized, her hormone levels normalized, and her inflammatory markers normalized…
the restoration of normal menses was caused by reduced inflammation in the ovarian tissue and supports the hypothesis that the gut immune system can influence autoimmune disease and inflammation.


J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Jul;16(7):807-9. This published study is a very typical result in my office where we treat chronic autoimmune disease. Identifying food intolerance and allergies is a critical step in the health restoration process. If you are chronically ill and your doctor has not looked at these areas, ask him or her to do so. I he/she refuses, fire them and find a doctor who is willing to take nutrition more seriously. One cannot achieve and maintain health eating unhealthy foods, and one man’s food is another man’s poison. In good health, Dr. Peter Osborne – The Gluten Free Warrior

9 Responses

      1. Dear Dr.Osborne,

        Having Sjögren I find myself in difficult situation with gluten, sugar and dairy free diet.

        Does it mean that basically everything needs to be prepared at home? Where to find a cookbook to help?

        Thank you.

        Alga has no gluten, suppose so.

  1. I have Sjogrens syndrome ANA 8.0 to 7.4; dry eyes with other part; non-alcholic liver disease; fatigue; degenerative disc disease;etc. I eat a plant based diet and do admit eating a bite or two of grass fed meat once a month. I elinated allforms of sugar products, low oil consumption of evo & coconut oil, I take a vegan vitamin along with other supplements. My allergy tests showed I am not gluten sensitive nor dairy intolerance. I don’t eat dairy as it makes me sick with digestive problems.My mother had Sjogrens that developed into multiple myeloma. She passed due to chemo, not the cancer. I have been on this diet for 2 years and my lab results have not lowered. I am over weight and the last few months eating one meal a day (not anemic yet) to speed up weight loss. Do you have a book or articles regarding sjogrens syndrom? I don’t want to end up like my mother. Thank you.

    1. Do liver flushes as it can reverse SS, Andrea Moritz liver flush. liver does not like plant based diet.Eat meat and fruits.Take chinese medicine for liver and spleen. Take White peony extract.

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