Genetic Testing For Gluten Sensitivity is Being Recommended for IBS Sufferers
A review in the American Journal of Gastroenterology recommends that those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) be genetically tested for gluten sensitivity intolerance. The Review elucidates the role of diet in the progression of IBS symptoms. The authors further state that the classic signs of celiac disease are often absent for those suffering with […]
Leaky Gut Week Continued – Leaky Brain Syndrome and Epilepsy
As we focus on gluten and leaky gut this week, we should also illuminate the fact that gluten has also been shown to cause the same type of phenomenon in the brain. New research draws a connection between gluten induced leaky brain damage and seizure disorders (epilepsy). Which Came First – The Chicken or the […]
Leaky Gut And Gluten Sensitivity

The good news is that the awareness of gluten and its dangers has been growing in recent years. In the short term, it can lead to digestive disturbances, migraines, chronic fatigue, etc. But the bad news is that the long lasting and more severe effects that gluten can have on your digestive tract and immune […]
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Caused by Gluten Intolerance
A research review in the American Journal of Gastroenterology recommends that those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) be genetically tested for gluten sensitivity intolerance. The Review discusses the role of diet as a contributing cause of IBS symptoms. The authors of the paper further state that the classic signs of celiac disease are often […]
Gluten Sensitivity Induces GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease)
Gluten And Acid Reflux – A Common Association Is there a medical link between gluten and acid reflux? A recent research study linked peptic disease (heartburn, GERD, stomach ulcer) to gluten exposure in patients with gluten sensitivity. So the short answer to the question is yes. You can read a direct quote from the researchers […]