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Ancient Grains Not Safe For Celiacs

There has been a lot of talk about whether or not ancient grains are a healthier option for those with gluten issues. Some scientists believe that the increased occurrence of gluten intolerance is in part caused by the consumption of genetic hybridization and/or manipulation of ancient wheat species, and that the gluten sensitivity is created by agricultural science. Additionally, scientists are looking for ways to genetically modify grains so that they can be eaten by those with gluten sensitivity. The study below is relevant to you because it demonstrates why this approach is most likely unsafe to say the least. A new study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition investigated to determine whether their was a difference between “ancient wheat” and modern strains of wheat in patients with celiac disease. The findings of the study might surprise you. You can read the conclusion of the study below:
Ancient strains of wheat, although previously suggested to be low or devoid of coeliac toxicity, should be tested for immunogenicity using gluten-specific T-cell lines from multiple coeliac patients rather than gluten-specific clones to assess their potential toxicity. Our findings provide further evidence for the need for a strict gluten-free diet in coeliac patients, including avoidance of ancient strains of wheat.
Source: Clin Nutr. 2013 Feb 14. pii: S0261-5614(13)00049-6.

Is Ancient Grain Safe?

According to this research study – NO. The rumors being spread around state that whole grain, organic, sprouted grains are safe. I have had a number of patients attempt to eat organic sprouted bread products and end up being very sick. My advice is to avoid them. The nutritional qualities of grains are relatively poor. Contrary to popular belief, they are not necessary for a healthy diet and the nutrients found within wheat can also be found in multiple other foods. This is not the first study analyzing the safety of ancient forms of wheat in patients with celiac disease. Two additional studies were conducted last year on ancient wheat and specifically Kamut and Einkorn. Both found that the grains were toxic to celiacs. Bottom line – If you are gluten sensitive, you should avoid these products despite the rumors that they are safe. Always looking out for you, Dr. Osborne – The Gluten Free Warrior  

5 Responses

  1. Hello Dr. Osborne, I never realized how ignorant, arrogant and inept the medical community(including the so called holistic,alternative and complimentary MD’s were, until my partner, Diane was medically misdiagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2006.I knew something about this disorder but was certainly familiar with gluten free being all the rage. Diane was presenting symptoms of short term memory loss and unexplained weight loss(as an extremely fit and beautiful women of 58, weight trained, runner, excellent nutrition)she went from a rock solid 125-130lbs down to 98 pounds in 14 months, in addition to accumulating metals, adrenal exhaustion, low thyroid, etc.I knew these 5 arrogant neurologists were wrong and I set out to save her. Test after test showed nothing, including the serum tests for celiac, which were taken after she had been off gluten but a stool test showed high gliadin antibodies. I immediately took her off all grains, tried to find competent care but she just got sicker and at the end of 2008 she became psychotic. Eventually functional testing showed that the she had a leaky gut,major malabsorption, organic acid testing showed sky high levels of benzoate,parasites, mycotoxins,SCFA putrification. I discovered that she had celiac and even when I presented these facts no one in NYC knew what to do nor believed me. Testing showed that she had a detox defect in cytochrome P 450 and was not able to clear these toxins. I was eventually able to get her weight up to 112 pounds through blending, which is fine at 5’1 1/2″ She is dying now with maybe 2-4 months to live.She has a fungal infection in the brain. How can this happen in the 21st century, with people who claim to be GI experts and are writing books on this issue. As of a few months ago, I took her to see the “world expert” on celiac, Dr. Peter Green @ Columbia Pres. and he said she was a psych case. Need I say more.Thank you for your ongoing work and any suggestions to help Diane.

    1. Arnold,
      Sorry to here of your situation. It is tragic to say the least. I would encourage you to call my office (281-240-2229). This problem sounds complex and I would be remiss to give advice without first knowing more.
      I wish you the best,
      Dr. O

    2. I’ve not heard of most of these tests, where do you get organic acid testing and all of these others? At a traditional Gastroenterologis’s office? I am also wondering about the status of your partner Diane, as this was posted a couple of years ago? Please let us know, thanks..

  2. Two of my friends are gluten intolerance and they are consuming einkorn wheat with no problems. Many people with gluten sensitivity can consume einkorn with no problem!

  3. I am sorry to disagree about all anecdotal evidence leads to a contrary conclusion.
    We spend about two months in Siciky every year and work with Skow Food in procuring organic ancients grains which are air dried and ground in small batches.
    My wife, who has wasdiagnosed as gluten intolerant but not with celiac over 20 years ago has rejoiced. She can tolerate it in small amounts; 100 grams of pasta or one slice of bread every few days with no adverse reaction.
    Sadly, wheat in the US has been made toxic by the American mentality of more profit at any cost.
    We have made our and Canadian wheat more and more toxic by…
    1. creating a new strain of wheat called dwarf wheat was developed not very long ago which gives 3 harvests a year instead of 2 and has a different form of gluten.
    2. Fungicides – we stockpile wheat for years so it must be treated with fungicides which bread down our immune systems over time
    3. Round up/glycophosphates. At harvest time entire fields are sprayed with round up so that it all dies simultaneously, making it easier (and cheaper) to shuck.
    4. Dough conditioners. Commercial baker goods including 99% of breads are made with highly conditioned flour, which breaks down differently in our bodies.
    All of these issues have been developed and implemented in the last 40-50 years and are alien to our immune and digestive systems which have understood wheat to be the staff of life for millenia.
    All of this is our issue, not wheat in itself.
    When we are in Italy, especially in the south where ancient grains are organically grown and processed, many gluten sensitive people can enjoy it in small amounts.
    That is anecdotal but since we are humans who wish to enjoy life, that is enough evidence for me.

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