Gluten Free Warrior Podcast #2 – Recovering From Gluten 101
Gluten Free & Still Sick May go gluten free and feel better, but continue to have chronic health problems. In essence their diet change led to improvements, but not resolution of health problems. If you are one of them, this interview is a must listen to. In this interview breakdown (courtesy of Mike Mutzel Author […]
H. pylori, Iron Deficiency and Gluten Sensitivity – Is There A Connection?
Chronic gluten exposure for those who are intolerant can weaken the immune system’s ability to fight off infection. One of the most common types of infection in the GI tract (stomach) is a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (AKA- H. pylori). This bacteria can bore through the stomach mucus and cause erosion of the lining in […]
Gluten Sensitivity and Iron Deficiency Anemia – Are They Related?
Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficits found in patients with celiac disease and non celiac gluten sensitivity. The most common symptom linked to iron deficiency is unwavering fatigue. Patients will often report severe loss of energy even when sleep has been adequate. This energy deprivation can also contribute to severe brain […]