Gluten Free Beer
Gluten Free Beer Traditional beer is made from water, yeast, hops, and wheat, rye, or barley. Obviously, the inclusion of these gluten-containing grains mean that traditional beer contains gluten. As gluten-free diets are on the rise, the demand for a gluten-free option to traditional beer is high. Of course, manufacturers have been quick to respond […]
The Best Diet to Heal Your Liver
Can Gluten Cause Liver Damage? What is the best diet to heal your liver? Do you think of the liver as an organ that aids digestion? Many do not, and so you might not think there is a logical connection between liver health and digestive health. Your diet can play a huge role in the […]
Can Gluten Cause Liver Problems?
Gluten Found to Damage The Liver and Gallbladder
Gluten Intolerance and Liver Disease – Is There a Connection?
Above is a screen shot recently taken from the National Library of Medicine on gluten and liver disease… More than 250 scientific studies have linked gluten sensitivity to liver and gallbladder disease. In the medical review below, the following liver conditions were linked to gluten intolerance: Reactive hepatitis ( coeliac hepatitis) Every one […]