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Gluten Intolerance Genetic Test Kit

Committing to a Gluten Free Diet can be extremely difficult, and it takes motivation to know that it is the right choice for a healthier you. If you are uncertain or not entirely sure if a Gluten Free Diet is right for you, this non-invasive genetic test will help to identify if you have the genes for gluten sensitivity.
(32 customer reviews)


Autoimmune Diseases Cause More Deaths Than Cancer And Heart Disease

Gluten is the first medically proven known cause of autoimmune disease. It can take decades for gluten induced disease processes to manifest symptomatically, and simply testing antibodies to gluten can be misleading.

If an individual has gluten-sensitive gene markers and was exposed to gluten, the outcome is excessive inflammation. Excessive inflammation is what is linked to causing and contributing to autoimmune disease.

Don’t wait until the symptoms become painfully apparent. Learn more about your genetics with our Gluten Sensitivity Test.

Determine If A Gluten Free Diet Is Right For You

No Needles or Blood Draws Needed

Both the HLA-DQ alpha 1 and beta 1 genes are measured. This test will measure for both Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (HLA-DQ2/HLA-DQ8) as well as Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (HLA-DQ1/HLA-DQ3) gene alleles. Only those which are positive will be outlined in your results.  

Celiac Disease Vs Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

Those with celiac disease, non celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), or gluten intolerance, need to avoid gluten to prevent the inflammation and damage it can cause.  The symptoms of gluten sensitivity/intolerance are very diverse.  For patients with celiac disease, gluten commonly causes inflammation in the small intestine.  This inflammation can lead to the symptoms of gas, bloating, diarrhea, and intestinal pain.

Unfortunately, gluten related symptoms are not limited or restricted to the GI tract.  There are numerous symptoms, diseases, and syndromes that gluten can either cause or contribute to.  This article addresses the litany of gluten related symptoms, diseases, and syndromes.

What You’ll Be Getting From Us

  • Detailed cheek cell collection instructions
  • Free domestic shipping directly to your home
  • All materials for sample collection and shipping back to the lab
  • Digital and printable results (typically available within 4-5 weeks)

International Kits Do Not Receive Return Labels

Each Order Will Contain The Following Items:

International Kits Do Not Contain Return Labels

  • Cheek Swabs (4 Count) with Identifying Labels
  • Collection Instructions
  • Requisition Form for Lab Use
  • FedEx Envelope and Pre-Paid Return Label

how it works

Swab Your mouth and mail out your kit

Step 1: Complete Cheek Swab

It's safe, easy, and pain-free. Simply follow the collection instructions at home, fill out the requisition form, and include it with your return package.

Step 2: Mail Kit to Lab

You are provided with a pre-paid FedEx label that is already addressed to our facilitating Lab. Simply drop off your collection at a FedEx location near you.

Step 3: Get Your Digital Results

Digital results are emailed within 4-5 weeks and will include an outline detailing which genes (if any) were positive.


Will my insurance pay for my test through Gluten Free Society?

Gluten Free Society does not accept medical insurance. In certain situations, your lab test and its payment might be covered and reimbursed by your insurance company, depending on your policy terms. Please verify this with your insurance provider.

Outside of an itemized receipt, Gluten Free Society does not provide any CPT codes or additional documentation your insurance provider may require for reimbursement.

What comes in the genetic gluten test kit?

The kit comes with thorough instructions, four cheek swabs and envelope to mail out the completed swabs with US postage included (for domestic use only). If you are located outside of the US, return postage is not provided.

Do I have to eat gluten before taking this test?

No. Because this is a DNA test, the results are not affected by the ingestion of gluten.

If I have been following a gluten free diet, will this test still be accurate?

Yes. This is a genetic test, and the results are not dependent on what you have or haven’t been eating.

Do the cheek swabs expire?

No After swabbing the cheeks with swabs, the DNA is good for months as long as the swabs are put back into the paper sleeves and sealed with tape.

How long does it take to get the results back?

4-5 weeks once the kit is completed and mailed.

Is this lab accredited?

Yes, Gluten Free Society uses a genetics lab that is accredited – Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), #06D0888615 – College of American Pathology (CAP), #63066-01

How many genes are tested?

Both the HLA-DQ alpha 1 and beta 1 genes are measured. This test will measures for both Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (HLA-DQ2/HLA-DQ8) as well as Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (HLA-DQ1/HLA-DQ3) gene alleles. Only those which are positive will be outlined in your results.

Can I file this test to my insurance?

No, unfortunately this test is not covered by insurance.

How is this test different from other DNA tests?

This test measures for all genes linked to gluten sensitivity (HLA-DQ1/HLA-DQ3) and celiac disease (HLA-DQ2/HLA-DQ8). Other labs only measure for genes linked to celiac disease.

Can this be mailed to New York?

This test does not require any blood draws and can be completed from the comfort of home, that means New York residents can participate without any restrictions!

Do you ship this internationally?

At this time we are unable to ship internationally. Unfortunately this kit comes with customs restrictions, so the only international country which can be serviced is CANADA. No other international customers can order this directly from our website. So sorry! With that being said, we only provide return labels for domestic use, so any CANADA orders will need to accommodate for the return of the sample.

How is this test different from other gluten test?

Our test measures for all genes linked to both gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. Most other labs only measure for genes linked to celiac disease. Testing for Celiac disease can be important, but Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity should also be looked at with just as much attention.

My blood test was negative, how are these results different?

Genetic testing does not yield false negatives the way common blood tests do. Remember that blood tests typically only measure 2 out of 7 known immune responses to gluten (most of them only measure the gluten in wheat – gliadin). Gene testing gives a definitive answer as to whether or not one should avoid gluten.

How does this test compare to Cyrex Lab Testing?

Cyrex labs are more comprehensive than traditional blood tests, but the same problems occur with this type of testing. The lab measures antibody responses to different gluten proteins as well as proteins that the body may confuse as gluten. Unfortunately, there are thousands of different types of gluten-based proteins and Cyrex only measures a handful. Genetic testing identifies the body’s propensity to react to gluten, based on your DNA. This is a much more accurate tool to determine whether one should avoid gluten or not.


32 reviews for Gluten Intolerance Genetic Test Kit

  1. .

    Can you test a 5 month old baby? Or what is the age limit?

  2. Sharon N.

    I have been gluten free as best i have been able. I believe i am gluten sensitive. Is this a test i can take and it will still give accurate results

  3. .

    Does the kit also check for ,Celiac disease along with gluten sensitivity?

  4. .

    which HLA DQ will you messure

  5. .

    I have been eating gluten free because of all my symptoms. Can I still take this test?

  6. .

    Does it ship to Switzerland?

  7. .

    23 and me tests for two HLA DQ variants. HLA-DQ2.5 and HLA-DQ8. Is the testing that you do different than the 23 and me one. From reading this blog, it looks like Dr. Osbourne mentions there are more to be tested, but when I read the description here it mentions only two. I must be confused so please forgive me.

  8. .

    Do flexible spending accounts typically cover the expense for the testing?

  9. .

    Does this DNA test give information on intolerance to other glutens such as corn gluten and oats? I believe I have celiac disease but I am also effected by corn and oats. Will this test identify which foods to stay away from? Basically will this help me know which strains to stay away from or is it a negative/positive result only?

  10. .

    I have idiopathic small fiber neuropathy and have not been tested fit gluteton intolerance. Is this a good test to start with or should I first do the traditional blood tests ?

  11. .

    Can I do this test while I am based in Israel? Also I have family members in The Netherlands who are very interested to do this test. Thank you.

  12. .

    I read your book “no grain no pain”. And tried the diet. After 3 weeks my daughter (diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis) and I were painfree! Amazing!!! Will the test also check dairy products and the tomato-potato-etcetera-vegetables you recommend not to eat? or only grain?

  13. Eric C.

    Dr Osborne – my primary had me go gluten free as I’ve had Crohs Disease for decades. I feel Great now. But I’ve never been officially tested. Do you recommend testing for someone that already has a known autoimmune disease.
    I’ve been grain free as well after reading your awesome book!

  14. Carolyn H.

    I have been gluten free for 10 years My daughter has biopsy confirmed celiac disease. I took a gene test 10 years ago that showed 2 – DQ 2 HLA genes at the time they weren’t testing for 2.5. I have never been biopsies while eating gluten but have been told by doctor I don’t have the genes for celiac- they didn’t give details of what that meant I now assume they didn’t find 2.5. Is there anything more the test could show me? I have Hashimoto thyroid and stay grain free and gluten free to a crumb? Any chance Mast cell activation is on your radar yet- don’t think the genetics are known yet or Hypermobile Ehler Danlos – both relate to gluten problems and there are many people looking for genetic tests for them. If you know anywhere I could get more information on genetic testing for those please let me know – thank you

  15. Carl D.

    My husband recently had a colonoscopy as a follow up due to the fact that last year he had a massive polyp that was removed. In just one year it regrew and 2 more occurred that had to be cut off. Would this test be beneficial to find out what is causing them to reoccur so fast and what to eat or do to prevent them from coming back?

  16. sharon n.

    Is it possible to have the DNA test done at the Mayo Clinic in Scotsdale, Arizona, I have all my records there, and they discovered my SIBO I have had 2 breath tests and one endoscopy which confirmed the gluten but would like the dna test also

  17. sharon n.

    Great information and still learning

  18. Bruno C.

    Hi I live in Cape Town, South Africa. Do you ship the kit to South Africa?

  19. Sharon G.

    We got a test from 23 and me and had raw data read by genetic genie and True Report? Would this be redundant?

  20. .


  21. .

    I have been gluten-free for about a decade (but still eating alternative grains). I decided to take this test, as my thyroid antibodies remained unchanged, even though my life stressors were gone. I found out I’m positive on all 4 alleles. Now, thanks to the positive results of all 4 alleles, I now have eliminated all grains since the findings. I have a significant reduction in my Hashi antibodies for the first time since 2014, and am very pleased. On a side note, I had my family look at the findings. They had all thought for years that I was orthorexic , finding that the way I was living was insane. Now, they have verification that I’m NOT insane, and they are no longer trying to get me psychoanalyzed. Our family almost split up over their treatment of me. Thank you Dr. Osborne, for making this lab available to us. I live in NY, so I can’t get most labs I want to try, and being able to get this one and take it has been a game changer for me. It is NOT hard to go grain-free. There’s PLENTY of food out there!

  22. Paula C.

    Found so many answers to my health so happy to have found dr.o I did the genetics test and nutrients test and my health makes so much more sense now

  23. Roxanne C.

    Get the answers you need in a quick and easy test. Having the answers my family needed, both my husband and tested positive for gluten sensitivity which explained a lot about family health issues that seemed to come out of nowhere. With the knowledge and an action plan my family is on its way to wellness. This information not only helped my immediate family, it is good information to share with my siblings so they can make better choices about their family health.

  24. Pamela D.

    This was an easy process. I got the answers to questions I had been asking for the past year. Now I know what I need to do to reclaim my health.

  25. Stacy A.

    Simple test, directions straightforward, had results quickly.

  26. Holly J.

    Simple & straightforward test. For me, well worth the expense to have the confirmed test results to move forward with.

  27. ASHLEY J.

    Received the kit quickly. Results showed I had 2 of the gluten sensitive genes.

  28. .

    Hubby has had lifelong loose stools. Other than that, his rating of his symptoms are 1 out of 10. Dr. says he has Crohn’s and needs Entyvio iv at $26,000 a pop, 6 times a year. The side effects scare the heck out of me. Never, in 25 years of doctoring with a GI, have any of them suggested getting tested for gluten intolerance. On our own, years ago, he went to an allergist, who did the basic test which came back negative. With your genetic test, we discovered he is gluten sensitive. It is all starting to make sense because he has family members and extended family members with gut issues, an uncle to the point of living 50+ years with very little intestines at all (Crohn’s). It will be easy to substitute gluten free bread but not so sure I will be able to get him to go total gluten-free. We are working with a doctor to try LDN also. Thank you for making a product that the average person can use to take control of their own health, because most doctors only know one way.

  29. Diana W.

    The only test I’ve ever used to verify my gluten sensitivity – all four markers present. Grateful that Dr Osborne has made it so easy. Recently gifted the test kit to my brother, and I think I will be sending No Grain No Pain to him as well.

  30. Erin C.

    This is the 2nd gluten DNA test I’ve done. The first one was for me, and this most recent one for my husband. The more I read about what Dr O and other holistically minded professionals have stated about sensitivities wreaking havoc, the more I suspected gluten sensitivity for both myself and my husband. It’s now confirmed for both of us. Not only has this test verified what I suspected, but gave me insights on the alleles and further instruction on navigating a TRUE gluten free/grain free lifestyle. I feel better than I ever have, at 48, I’m more active, have zero health issues, on zero pharma drugs. This test is simple, easy to complete and send back. I received the results rather quickly, even considering the time in shipping.

  31. Jennifer F.

    I used to say I liked pasta, but it doesn’t like me. I had a lot of health improvements going on a keto diet and stayed on it for most of the last 15 years. After taking this test, I learned why these things were true. I have 2 copies of a celiac gene and 1 non-celiac gluten sensitivity gene. In other words, my body has mutated genes that prevent me from properly processing the proteins in grains. This has cause numerous autoimmune issues throughout my life, though no one ever told me they were autoimmune! This was nkt the only piece to the puzzle, but it was a significant piece. And it is one the 6 doctors I had seen in 2023, never even suggested. This included functional medicine doctors. The test is not xheap, but it is worth it because this is not something you can always figure out with an elimination diet. I didn’t have pain or gastrointestinal issues. I just had inflammation running ramped in my body and causing multiple illnesses that seem unrelated ro food, but aren’t. I did an elimination diet for a full year pruir to this test. That was a real pain. If I could do it over, I’d just do all the testing Dr. Osborne offers. His tests gave me answers, while over a year of other doctors’ testing only left me with more questions. It also helps to have a dr who understands what your tests mean and how to fix it!! The advice of two drs actually made me get worse at different points. But if you can’t afford Dr. Osborne’s expertise, taking this test is a good step in the right direction. Oh! And my resukts helped me also know that my son needed ro be grain free roo and both my parents! So, it was kind of a “buy one, get 3 free” in my case. Best deal ever.

  32. Sarah N.

    My husband and I both have DNA results showing gluten sensitivity. Not sure how helpful that is just to have it confirmed. At that price, there should have been more of a report on the findings, with easy to understand explanations.

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