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Gluten Free Society Presents…

This one chemical found in wheat can destroy your health – A special report and in depth analysis of wheat germ agglutinin with Dr. Peter Osborne and Sayer Ji

Learn why gluten is not the only culprit in grain to create a problem with human health.

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10 Responses

  1. Great news coverage, how cool that Fox was willing to do the story…I love hearing success stories like this in the media!

  2. Excellent news clip. I just hope that more doctors become aware of the gluten link to chronic health problems.

    I have noticed that when people eliminate gluten from their diet, they lose weight where they couldn’t before. Gluten is linked to so many things.

    Oh wait! If people started eliminating gluten, then sales of medications will most likely fall. Big pharma might not like that.

  3. Wicked I work as a head chef that only uses gluten free produts,awsome job,and yes the Pharmacies and doctors could be out of a job,lol

  4. Very valuable information and insight from Dr. Vikki Petersen, thank you so much for posting this! Thanks to people like you awareness is on the rise, and a lot of people that are suffering needlessly all of their lives can be helped.

    I especially liked how Dr. Petersen pointed out that “it doesn’t matter what you call it”, key is to eliminate the protein gluten from the diet to feel better.

  5. When I went off gluten, I was able to resolve all my health issues and have even gotten off my depression medication! Who knew? I’m a happy little camper now! Yep, we need to put big pharma and the doctors out of business! Makes me angry because my doctor couldn’t help me, I had to figure it out on my own by reading “self help” health books!

  6. FYI… I just found out Dr. Kenneth Fine (Enterolab) is speaking at the Atlanta Metro Celiac quarterly meeting. It is on Sunday, April 18th at 3:00 pm in the main auditorium at Children’s Hospital of Atlanta at Scottish Rite. Here is their website. I’m sure if you wanted to post it, they’d be thrilled.


  7. I think that many digesive / autoimune problems are caused not just by gluten, but by basic body chemistry vs. food/diet chemistry. I think people should read Peter D’Adamo’s books about blood type and food sensitivities.

  8. Thank you for all the help you give us! Doctors in the world I am in do not understand what is going on at all…. and they think we are all crazy1

  9. Most folks just don’t know how to get off the track of “wheat must be a part of a healthy diet”. This could not be farther from the truth. Advertisers did this to us. It is wonderful that so many people are now thinking for themselves.

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