new to the gluten free journey?

What Bread Is Gluten Free?

Has love for bread been curtailed by gluten sensitivities? Well we’ve got good news for you. There are so many options for gluten free bread, ready to satisfy your bread cravings. But not all gluten free bread is created equal. In this article, we will explore various gluten free bread options, examining their ingredients, nutritional […]

Is Olive Oil Gluten Free?

Gluten-free eating requires a good understanding of which foods and ingredients contain gluten, as well as potential ways that seemingly gluten free foods might become contaminated.  Olive oil is a common ingredient used in many recipes and is often considered a staple in the kitchen. But is olive oil gluten free? This article will explore […]

Sour Cream and Gluten

Sour cream is a popular dairy product that is commonly used as a versatile ingredient in both sweet and savory dishes and also as a condiment. However, for people with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, the question remains: is sour cream gluten-free? Keep reading to explore all the information you need to know about sour […]

Gluten Free Toothpaste

When you think about eliminating gluten, you probably think of what foods and drinks are safe to eat. But gluten free isn’t just a diet, it’s a lifestyle. And that means that you have to consider all of the different places that gluten can sneak in. One of the most common ways to be exposed […]

Is Couscous Gluten Free?

Is Couscous Gluten Free? Adopting a new way of eating can be confusing and overwhelming. So when it comes to a gluten free diet, The Gluten Free Society wants to be your go to source of trusted information to help guide your gluten free journey.  When considering what foods contain gluten, many people think of […]

Is Barley Gluten Free?

Is Barley Gluten Free? Adopting a new way of eating can be confusing and overwhelming. So when it comes to a gluten free diet, Gluten Free Society wants to be your go to source of trusted information to help guide your gluten free journey.  When considering what foods contain gluten, many think of wheat and […]

Is Xanthan Gum Gluten Free?

Xanthan Gum – Is It Gluten Free? If you’re one to read nutrition labels on food, you have likely come across the ingredient Xanthan Gum. It has become more and more popular as an additive in processed gluten free foods.  But what exactly is it?  Here’s what we’re going to dig into: How is it […]

Is Cornstarch Gluten Free?

Is Cornstarch Gluten Free? Cornstarch is a common ingredient in many packaged and prepared foods. Knowing if cornstarch is gluten free is key to ensuring you remain healthy and comfortable. This article will explore what cornstarch is, how it is made, whether it is gluten free, and what alternatives to cornstarch you can use yourself […]

Is Oat Milk Gluten Free?

Is Oat Milk Gluten Free As alternative milks rise in popularity, an increasing number of products are becoming available. Manufacturers are capitalizing on consumers’ desire to avoid dairy by developing new alternative milk products and marketing them as healthier for you. One of the more popular options for milk alternatives is oat milk. Is oat […]

Is Farro Gluten Free?

Is Farro Gluten Free? Ancient grains are commonly thought of as more healthy and safer alternatives for eating than contemporary grain. Farro is a type of wheat that falls into the category of “ancient grain”, but don’t let it fool you. Following a new diet can be overwhelming as you learn to navigate what you […]

Is Rye Bread Gluten Free?

Is Rye Bread Gluten Free? Adopting a new way of eating can be confusing and overwhelming. So when it comes to a gluten free diet, Gluten Free Society wants to be your go to source of trusted information to help guide your gluten free journey.  There are a number of breads marketed as gluten free, […]

Is Buckwheat Gluten Free?

Is Buckwheat Gluten Free? When adopting a gluten free diet, it is common for patients to turn to a quick Internet search to determine what foods are gluten free. A quick glance may suggest that many alternative grains (or similar products) are gluten free. One common example is buckwheat. But there’s more to the story. […]

A Guide to Gluten-Free Flour Substitutes

Gluten-Free Flour Substitutes – Here’s the Breakdown Have you been looking for gluten-free flour substitutes? We’ve got your back. The moment when a person realizes they are gluten sensitive or have celiac disease, they think to themselves, I can never have bread or desserts again! This couldn’t be further from the truth because yes, you […]

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