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Grain – A double edged sword

The globe-spanning presence of wheat and its exalted status among secular and sacred institutions alike, differentiates it from all other foods presently enjoyed by this planet’s human inhabitants. And yet the unparalleled rise of wheat as the very catalyst for the emergence of ancient civilization has not occurred without a great price. While wheat was […]

Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease

A recent paper published in the Annals of the New York Acedemy of Sciences connects intestinal permeability (AKA leaky gut syndrome) with the development of autoimmune diseases. The authors base their findings on what we know of celiac disease and Type I Diabetes. Both diseases share the same HLA-DQ genetics. As well, they both share […]

Gluten Proteins Pass into Mother’s Milk?

Contaminated Breast Milk!? The following study demonstrates that the gluten protein, gliadin, passes into the breast milk of lactating mothers. Breast feeding mothers were given 20 grams of gluten. Their samples were then analyzed for the presence of gluten. Peak levels of gliadin were identified 2-4 hours after ingestion of gluten. Source: Acta Paediatr Scand. […]

Increasing Prevalence of Celiac Disease in the Elderly

A recent study in the journal BMC Gastroenterology found that the incidence of celiac disease increases in the elderly population when individuals are subjected to additional screening. The study pointed out that individuals who previously tested negative for celiac disease, could test positive if they were subjected to future lab screening tests and intestinal biopsies. […]

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