New to the Gluten Free Journey?
Get Tested
You cannot control what genes you are born with, but you can identify them and change your diet and lifestyle to accommodate them. Fortunately gluten sensitivity and celiac genes can be evaluated with genetic testing through a kit available at the Gluten Free Society store.
Take the Quiz</h3 >
Our online Gluten Sensitivity quiz can help you to understand whether or not you may be sensitive to gluten. Click Here to take the quiz
Get DNA Tested</h3 >
Traditional testing for gluten sensitivity and celiac disease has focused on blood antibody tests and/or intestinal biopsies. With genetic testing you get a 100% accurate result. Get it here.
What is Gluten Sensitivity?
Watch the video below to learn more on this topic, and to discover the difference between a TRUE gluten free diet vs a traditional gluten free diet.
Get Educated
On Gluten Free Society you will find the resources you need to learn more about gluten sensitivity, the TRUE gluten free diet, and the power of functional nutrition in general.
View the Glutenology MasterClass</h3 >
The Glutenology MasterClass is the Ultimate Guide for Your Gluten Free Journey. The MasterClass will teach you the difference between a traditional gluten free diet and a TRUE Gluten Free diet, and it is based on 20 years of clinical experience.
Food and supplements.</h3 >
In our store you will find Premium Gluten Free supplements specially formulated for people with Gluten Sensitivity, also you will find food sources approved by Dr. Peter Osborne, The Gluten Free Warrior.
Questions</h3 >
Here you will be able to ask or respond to questions within the Gluten Free Warrior Community, where thousands of like minded individuals are sharing this mission.
Video Library</h3 >
More than 1000 hours of video content covering autoimmune diseases, gluten sensitivity, nutrition, lifestyle, interviews, research updates, and more.
Articles</h3 >
Keep up to date with new research, lifestyle advice, and general information about gluten sensitivity and autoimmune disease.
Recipes</h3 >
Only for real Warriors like you! Find easy to follow, grain free recipes that fit into Your lifestyle. These include, dairy free, keto, paleo, etc.