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Can Gluten Cause Muscle and Joint Pain?

Can Gluten Cause Muscle and Joint Pain? In today’s world, muscle and joint pain are widespread problems. They tend to be chronic, debilitating, and can significantly reduce your quality of life. Your pain may be dull and achy or sharp and throbbing. It may be felt locally in one area or throughout your body. Muscle […]

Gluten – A Cause of Migratory Arthritis Pain

What is Migratory Arthritis? This condition falls under the auspice of autoimmune arthritis. Patients who experience migrating arthritis typically have joint pain and stiffness that moves around from joint to joint. Unlike other forms of arthritis that typically stay in one place. The symptoms can flare up periodically (come and go), and they can migrate […]

Lectins, Gluten, Rheumatoid Arthritis, & Molecular Mimicry

I recently had an opportunity to sit down with Fox News and discuss the concept of food inducing autoimmune disease… On that same note, the following review study discusses the correlation between food proteins, lectins, autoimmune inflammation, and the concept of molecular mimicry… Despite the almost universal clinical observation that inflammation of the gut is […]

Prescription Pain Trap

Drugs Don’t Heal Disease, They Mask It… Unfortunately, most doctors specializing in the treatment of arthritis, joint pain, muscle pain, and autoimmune diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system never even consider food in the diet as a contributing cause in the development of these conditions. They prescribe drugs leading to a phenomenon known as the Prescription […]

Food Allergy and Joint Pain – Is There a Connection?

Most, doctors specializing in the treatment of arthritis, joint pain, and autoimmune diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system never even consider diet as an important factor in the development of these conditions. I was formally trained in rheumatology at the VA hospital in Houston, TX, and I can say that diet and nutritional recommendations to patients […]

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