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Gluten (Gliadin) Found in Breast Milk

Human Dairy Contains Gluten! In this research study, high concentrations of gluten proteins were found in the milk of breast feeding women. The study demonstrated that even after being on a gluten restricted diet for 3 days, gluten proteins were still present in the breast milk. It was found that the gluten/gliadin proteins were not […]

Wheat, Dairy, Corn, & Soy Staple Foods of Disease

Approximately 70% of all American calories come from a combination of the following four foods: wheat, dairy, soy and corn – assuming, that is, we exclude calories from sugar. Were it true that these four foods were health promoting, whole-wheat-bread-munching, soy-milk-guzzling, cheese-nibbling, corn-chip having Americans would probably be experiencing exemplary health among the world’s nations. […]

Increasing Prevalence of Celiac Disease in the Elderly

A recent study in the journal BMC Gastroenterology found that the incidence of celiac disease increases in the elderly population when individuals are subjected to additional screening. The study pointed out that individuals who previously tested negative for celiac disease, could test positive if they were subjected to future lab screening tests and intestinal biopsies. […]

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