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Rebalance your gluten-damaged gut through Ayurveda

Are you looking to follow a gluten-free diet to improve digestion? Use the practice of Ayurveda

In this episode of the Dr. Osborne Podcast, we bring you Ayurveda expert, John Immel. John is the founder of Joyful Belly, an extensive educational Ayurvedic website, school and digestive care clinic, with thousands of recipes (gluten-free ones, too!) and informative articles. Drawing on years of research and clinical experience specializing in digestive disorders, John teaches Ayurvedic Practitioners, yoga teachers and other health and wellness professionals advanced holistic digestive care through his “Mastering Ayurvedic Digestion & Nutrition” 500-hour certification program.

John studied Ayurveda in a two-year program in the United States and also abroad in India, earning his Ayurveda practitioner certification, and continuing his studies from there into digestive tract pathologies. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Harvard University. He first discovered Ayurveda while working on a public health project in Bangladesh. John’s interest in Ayurveda and digestive tract pathology was inspired by a complex digestive disorder acquired from years of international travel.


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Check out the podcast below to learn how to rebalance a gluten-damaged gut through the wonderful practice of Ayurveda


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