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Food Sensitivity Testing
You are unique, and while you may be consuming foods that are traditionally healthy and completely gluten and grain free, they may not necessarily be good for YOU. If you are following a TRUE Gluten free diet and still not feeling your best, food sensitivities might be responsible.
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Reactivity to 222 Foods
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All-inclusive kit
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Measures IgG, IgG4, IgA, IgM, Immune Complex, T-Cell Responses
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[tab title=”What’s Measured”]
Our test can detect ALL three types of delayed hypersensitivity
Delayed Reactivity to 222 Foods
With less than .1% false positives, only LRA tests look directly at your live white cells (lymphocytes), observing them under a microscope as they are exposed to the 200+ foods being tested. LRA blood tests provide an evaluation of the body’s delayed immune response; and only the foods that cause reactions are identified.Â
View Comprehensive List of FoodsÂ
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Are you Gluten Free and still find that something is keeping you from feeling your best?Â
The LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) tests identify foods that are overburdening your immune system and preventing it from functioning optimally. Your body’s response to certain foods, paired with a temporary elimination diet, may help you determine the cause of your physical symptoms. Symptoms can manifest as chronic inflammation, leaky gut, oral health problems, migraine headaches, and much more.Â
[tab title=”What to Expect”]
What you’ll be getting from us
- Detailed fasting directions (please read prior to ordering)
- Free shipping directly to your home
- All materials for sample collection and shipping back to the lab
- Digital and printable results (typically available within 3 weeks)
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Learn More
Related Lab Testing Kits Available Through GFS
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 Food Sensitivity Testing
- Measures your delayed reactivity for a variety of gluten free foods
- Identifies foods in your current gluten free diet that might be connected to food sensitivity symptoms
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Gluten Sensitivity Testing
- Measures your genes to identify if there is a sensitivity to gluten
- Identifies which gene alleles are present. Both the HLA-DQ alpha 1 and beta 1 genes are measured
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Nutrient Deficiency TestingÂ
- Measures the current status of a number of key vitamins and minerals
- Identifies nutritional deficiencies to help you address potential needs in your diet or supplementation needs
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how it works
Get Your Blood Drawn and Mail Out Your Kit
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Confirm Your Eligibility
Before ordering, make sure to the review all fasting and mailing instructions. Your blood cannot be drawn if you are unable to complete the fasting requirements.Â
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Schedule Your Blood Draw
Keep in mind that you are dealing with time sensitive materials. Schedule your blood draw, and use the pre-paid label to ensure your sample is overnighted.Â
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Receive Your Digital Results
Digital results are emailed within 2-3 weeks. Your results will include a list of Strong or Moderate Reactions (if any), as well as a description for each.
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[accordion-item title=”Is your LRA Food Sensitivity Test the same as IgG testing?”]
No. Our testing looks at ALL 3 delayed hypersensitivity pathways, not just IgG mediated reactions.
Traditional IgG antibody tests just look at the presence and amount of IgG. These tests don’t distinguish between symptom provoking antibodies (the bad) and protective antibodies (the good).
The problem with NOT distinguishing the good from the bad antibodies, is that false positives are common with IgG tests. This results in long lists of items that patients have to avoid unnecessarily.
[accordion-item title=”Why is it important to test delayed hypersensitivity?”]
There are two different types of reactions people can have to food. A general breakdown of these reactions are as follows:
- Acute allergy
- Delayed allergy (hypersensitivity)
Some food reactions like intolerance are obvious, acute and the effects can be immediate. For example, peanut anaphylaxis (swollen lips, hives, airway constriction) is quite obvious. This is what we would typically refer to as an acute allergy. Since these reactions develop quite instantly, most people wouldn’t bother testing for something that they can very clearly see.Â
Other food-induced immune reactions are delayed. These reactions are not quite so obvious or immediate. They are called delayed hypersensitivity reactions. These foods reactions can cause chronic inflammation. The damage of this inflammation can build over time causing a breakdown in your GI tract (leaky gut AKA intestinal permeability). Additionally, these types of food reactions can trigger a process called molecular mimicry and lead to autoimmune disease.
Food has everything to do with the development of and the prevention of disease, so it is important to identify any potential triggers.Â
[accordion-item title=”Can this be mailed Internationally or to New York?”]
Unfortunately, if you are living in New York, you will not be able to perform this blood draw as the lab cannot accept any samples drawn within the New York state limits.
Please do not order this test if you are located in the state of New York. Â
Additionally, this test is currently only being offered to residents of the United States. The materials are extremely time sensitive and overnight services cannot be guaranteed to international destinations. We hope to be able to expand our borders in the future, but only ship within the United States at this time.Â
[accordion-item title=”What are the required fasting instructions?”]
Fasting is required in order to properly measure lymphocytes.
Please review before purchasing, and talk to your doctor if there are any concerns about temporarily discontinuing certain medications.Â
[accordion-item title=”Where and how do I get my blood drawn?”]
If you are able to comply with the preparation instructions, the next step would be to find a location that can properly draw your blood. You will be provided with the test kit and it includes all of the materials needed for the phlebotomist.Â
Please keep in mind that a blood draw fee will likely be charged to you at the time of your draw. Every location charges a different amount, depending on the area and lab. We recommend that you ask for the cost prior to scheduling your appointment.Â
NOTE: Many phlebotomy labs will take care of shipping the specimen using the included prepaid UPS label and shipping envelope. If the lab does not provide that service, you can also call UPS directly and schedule it to be picked up from your home by calling 1-800-PICK-UPS.Â
Here are some labs options that you can utilize, but you are certainly not limited too:
Option 1 – Any Lab Test Now
Use the link to find the closest location by entering your zip code – https://www.anylabtestnow.com/locations/
Option 2 – CTs Phlebotomy Services, LLC (Traveling Phlebotomy)
Phone: (541) 890-0072 Fee: $50.00 + mileage ($0.45/mile)Â
Option 3 – Check with your local doctors office
If either of the above options are not available to you in your area, we recommend asking your local doctor for a phlebotomist or draw site referral.Â
[accordion-item title=”Once tested, does it mean I have to avoid these foods forever?”]
The short answer is maybe.
Most sensitivities are acquired, and you can repair the underlying cause, permanently lose the sensitivity, and regain the ability to eat that food. Some sensitivities are fixed. They are just part of your makeup and must permanently be avoided. On a typical person, between 80-90% of the sensitivities are acquired and will go away, while 10-20% are fixed, and you will permanently have to avoid those items.
Our suggestion, avoid moderate and strong reactivities for at least 6 months before attempting to reintroduce them into your diet.Â